Monday, October 18, 2010


I used to tell people that my parent's gave me a difficult name to spite me. It was a joke. They were probably pleased with their choice. I'm not sure if they were aware of the scrutiny and torment I would experience in my life because of it.

At some point I realized it would be best if I gave myself a typical nick name. It worked out well from middle school to high school. I was over doing that by the time I went to college it was back to my given name again. It was easier for people to adapt by then but I had to change it back to the typical nick name after I graduated so that I could actually get a job. I'm not saying I was discriminated against but I'm not exactly sure if it was a coincidence that I received responses only after I changed my name.

Fast forward many years later and someone told me she wanted to call me by my given name. I really do appreciate her for that, I truly do. Then she asked me how my name is pronounced and she came up with a combination of the nick name (Vanessa) and the given name(Benafsha) which resulted in "Vinesh." I thought I heard it all but this was truly the most creative and original.


  1. I don't want to offend the nickname maker, I think it sounds cool, but it sounds like it should be the name of a hindu god. Goddess of good hair and make-up. I always loved your name. It is so pretty. But this is coming from a girl with one of the most bland names in the world, Brenda. Atleast my last name isn't smith. Oh, and your name wasn't the topic for a Tupac song. ha haa.

  2. This person is turning you Indian. Vinesh, i like it, even though it's a boys name.

  3. Lol Bindu yes the first thing I thought is that she gave me an Indian MAN's name lol!

  4. hahahaaha, best post ever! I happened to like Vinesh and don't feel bad about getting your name mispronounced I have a pretty easy name and people call me different things all the time (people i've known!) alana, elena, aliana, leah...swear to god I've gotten leah from alina. lol

    ps you have a beautiful name, its unique and has a beautiful meaning too!

  5. Thanks for the support Alina. I see that people actually used real names for you. I've gotten down right rotten ones of products and body parts. While we're at it, let me share some. Beano, Binaca just to name a few.

  6. My name is easy and they still mess it up. People think my name is Cindy. I'm gonna start introducing myself as Cindy now, especially to people that i know i will never talk to again. It's only fair, they will never remember my name nor should i have to remember theirs. :)
